Website Login Information

Brother Knights,

You should have received an email explaining that your password has expired.  Click on the enclosed link in the email to create a new password. Your User ID will always be the email address provided to the Council Financial Secretary.  If you do not know your User ID? You will have to contact Gregg Palmer and update your email address in the council records.   You should also do this anytime your email address changes.

If you have not received an email, you can still send a request for a new password for the site. Click on the link Lost your password? on the login page.  Enter your email address and if it matches the email address we have on file for you, this will generate an email which will allow you to enter a new password for the website.

Remember, you do not have to login to the website to read Events. News or Posts.  You only need to login to add a Post, News, Event or Sign-Up Sheet.  Also, to read any Private Posts added to the website.

If you have any issues, contact me at .

Don Sheppard