Business Meeting/ Exemplification this Monday

Brother Knights,
We’re excited to welcome Edward Gufuston to our council.  He attends Randolph Macon College.
– Please join us for his exemplification.
– The Food Pantry is in need of Mac and Cheese and Instant Mashed Potatoes
– There is a 50/50 Drawing for a good cause TBD- $1 each
– The Italian Dinner to support our Scholarship is next Saturday at 5 PM St Ann’s         Ticket are $10 each
– KOVAR Fundraiser at ABC store Ladysmith Oct. 26,27,28.  Ashland store TBD.  Sign-ups will be out soon.
-Help is needed for Brunswick Stew Prep/ Sales Nov. 4,5,6 at St Mary’s.
-6:00 exemplification
-6:45 Dinner
-7:15 Business Meeting
Thank you for all you do and for taking charge when we are called.
God Bless,
David Frank, GK

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