Survey Input Needed!

Good afternoon Brother Knights-

We have not received many surveys back yet. Please complete the attached survey and send ASAP. We really need and value your input.

You have several options available to complete the survey:

  1. email to ; or
  2. Mail it to John M. Williams, 19018 Woodsons Mill Road, Beaverdam, VA 23015; or
  3. personally give it to me, Kevin Jones or Kennedy Weber; or
  4. Bring it to the January 8, 2024 council meeting; or
  5. Read the attached email and email me your answers directly on the email without using the attached form; or
  6. Send via carrier pigeon  (latitude 41.0895249  longitude -73.8419063); or
  7. I will personally pick it up from you if you include a cold drink!

If you have any trouble printing it here, send me an email directly (m), and I can email you a copy in word or pdf format.
