Motion for $250 IACA donation

John Corritone gave a presentation at tonight’s council business meeting.  During the meeting the following motion was made and tabled for your consideration:

Whereas the Joseph M. Johnson council of the Knight of Columbus takes pride in our founder, Christopher Columbus,

Whereas Christopher Columbus, demonstrated bravery, and knowledge when striking out from Spain in search of a new path to the Far East,

Whereas Columbus is a symbol of immigrants who searched for a better life here in America,

Whereas, the Columbus Monument had been a fixture in the Richmond community at the entrance of Byrd Park for 93 years before the evening of June 9, 2020 when the Columbus Statue was illegally torn down, vandalized, set on fire, and thrown into nearby Swan Lake by protesting individuals,

Whereas, the Italian-American Cultural Association of Virginia has worked diligently to restore the statue and is planning on re-installing it,

Be it resolved the Joseph M. Johnson council of the Knights of Columbus will donate $250 to the Italian-American Cultural Association of Virginia to assist with their work.