Motion for Madness

    UPDATE — There are three days to make your picks.  I put my picks in (using the ‘Auto-Fill’ option … I didn’t see much basketball this year).  The first games are this Thursday March 21st.  The championship game will be held on Monday April 8th — the same night as the April council meeting.  If you have questions or problems, please contact me ().
     A motion was made that we host a March Madness (Mens’) NCAA basketball bracket tournament.  Since it’s still February, I wanted to propose rules and publish information so a lively discussion could be held (at or) after the March Council meeting on Monday the 11th.  Details with web links will be forthcoming for those who wish to participate.  The sixty-four teams will be selected on St. Patrick’s (March 17th) and the games begin on Thursday March 21st.
We’ll use CBS Sportsline (so you might need to signup for an account).
$10 per bracket
Maximum 2 brackets per member.  I currently feel brackets must be limited to Council members and their spouses.  No ringers please.  This is up for discussion.  I’ll probably be using the ‘Make my picks’ option as I haven’t seen a game all year (although those Caitlyn Clark highlights are amazing).
Round       PointsPerGame Bonuses
First         1           Points + Seed
Second        2           Points + Seed
Sweet 16      4           Points + Seed
Elite 8       8           Points + Seed
Final 4      12           Points + Seed
Championship 20           Points + Seed

TiebreakerChampionship Game's Total Score

Payout will be made as follows:
Last place gets their money back.
The remaining jackpot will be split:
10% to third place,
20% to second place, and
70% to the winner.
Selections must be made before the games begin on March 21.
Payments must be made on or at the March Officer’s meeting on Monday, March 25.  Late payments are subject to a 20% late fee which will be turned over to the council or Mr. Jingles (at the Commissioner’s discretion).
The commissioner, me (unless someone else wants to volunteer), has final say in all matters.
    Jimmy the Irish