2024 Virgil S. Hicks, Jr., Memorial Scholarship Program

Knights of Columbus Council 7538 is pleased to announce that we are currently accepting applications for the 2024 Virgil S. Hicks, Jr., Memorial Scholarship.

Virgil S. Hicks, Jr. was a founding member of the Joseph M. Johnson council of the Knights of Columbus.  He was the Grand Knight in 1987 and active member until he passed away in March, 2008.  His family is testimony to his strong belief in getting a good education.  In his memory, this scholarship is awarded to children to attend a Catholic high school or any accredited college, university or school. 

* Any St. Ann’s or St. Mary’s parishioner and their dependents are eligible.

* The award winner may attend a Catholic high school, or any college or university.

* The criteria for determining awards will include:

– a completed application form

– academic record

– assessment of character based on the letter(s) of recommendation

– a service-oriented work ethic Virgil Hicks would be proud of

-an essay of 500 words maximum on the subject “How my faith guides me in my everyday life”

* Applications are due by May 15, 2024.

* Applications should be sent to:

Virgil S. Hicks, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Committee

Knights of Columbus #7538

P.O. Box 2032

Ashland, VA 23005

* Award announcements will be made the end of June 2024.

* Notification of awards will be made by letter to the recipients.

* The disbursement of the award funds shall be by check to the recipient.

* The Scholarship Committee membership and chairman are appointed by the Grand Knight of Council#7538.

* Please forward questions to our Grand Knight:

This application must be accompanied by:

(1) a copy of the student’s most recent report card or transcript,

(2) an essay of no more than 500 words on: “How my faith guides me in my everyday life

(3) a letter of recommendation from a teacher, and

(4) (optional) a letter of recommendation from someone who can speak to the applicant’s character.

(5) a list of parish, community, and/or extra-curricular activities

This application must be submitted by May 15, 2024 to:

Virgil S. Hicks, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Committee

Knights of Columbus #7538

P.O. Box 2032

Ashland, VA 23005

Link to Brochure: KofC7538Scholarshipbrochure2024

Link to download and print the application: kofc7538scholarshipapp2024