Agenda — April 8, 2024

Brother Knights,

At tonight’s Officers Meeting, it was suggested that ideas and agenda items for April’s council meeting be requested.  If you have any details to add for upcoming events or items to add, please contact the Grand Knight () and/or Recorder ().

A special request was made for charitable giving.  If you have a good cause, please develop a motion (with names and amounts) and send it in to be put on the agenda.  Thanks.

Membership –-

Faith –-

Family -–

Life –-


Fourth Degree —

Fundraising —
(Lasser) The next selling event will be Train day which will be held in April.
(Montag) – Golf tourney committee is looking for ideas and volunteers.

Council —

Community —
(Macera / Kastleberg) mentioned dates for Habitat for Humanity and was looking for volunteers.

Unfinished business –-

New business —

DD Report —
Family of the Month –
Knight of the Month –

Prayers for the sick and distressed —