Council Meeting notes — April 8, 2024

Council 7538 April General / Business Meeting


Recorder, Jim Hartigan

St. Mary’s Hall

Pasta dinner was served.

At 6:45pm, the GK called the meeting to order.

21 members attended

The Rosary was skipped.

The reading of the March business meeting minutes was waived.

GK’s report (Frank):

We’re into the Easter season. Divine mercy is wonderful. It is a reflection of what we do.

We are gifting a train set to the State Committee / State convention.

State convention is coming up (4/27). Looking for a delegate to attend.

Upcoming events:

Council dinner (4/13)

Train Day (4/27)

FS report (Palmer):

Special Olympics thanked us for the $1k contribution.

Italian-American group thanked us for our contribution.

Neil McCaffrey is the seminarian we will be supporting.

A donation has been made to Commonwealth Catholic Charities.

Treasurer’s report (Della Valle):

$315 was collected at Shrove Tuesday and given to the Haiti fund.

$5,930 in the scholarship fund.

$2,000 in woodworking sales has been added to the general fund (10% would be $200 for the scholarship)

The reports have been posted to the website.

A special request was made for charitable giving.  If you have a good cause, please develop a motion (with names and amounts) and send it in to be put on the agenda. Motions were suggested for possible charities to donate money ($2k) to:

* D. Montag – $1,000 to St. Ann’s; $1,000 to St. Mary’s

* M. Fust $500 – Moments of Hope, $500 – Aces, and $500 – Hanover ARC

* K. Jones – Mary’s choice RVA.

* D. Depuy – Miracle fund; Haiti; J. Williams is the chair of the Finance Council.

* D. Logan – (St. Marys) – St. Mary’s building fund.

Rise Against Hunger

VBS for both parishes

Habitat for Humanity

The approved donations were:

a $1k check for children’s cancer.

$500 St. Mary’s pantry.

VKCCI $100 to be delivered at the convention

T. Lasser to deliver a check not to exceed $500 to Judy McKinney for parishioner meals.

Program Director / Committee reports – (Jones)

* Membership –- no report

* Faith –

St. Mary’s –

International dinner (4/28) People to work table, tablecloth, literature.

Rosary – First Holy Communion (5/30).

St. Ann’s – No report

* Family -– No report.

* Life – No report.

* Community – D. Macera thanked people for road cleanup.

(D. Macera / J. Kastleberg) mentioned dates for Habitat for Humanity and was looking for volunteers.

* KOVAR – Signups on the website for Green Top. Money collected from the jars (no report).

* Fundraising —
(Lasser) The next selling event will be Train day which will be held on April 28.
(Palmer) 6/1 Strawberry Faire. No request

(Montag) – Golf tourney committee is looking for ideas and volunteers. No thank yous have been sent out.

(Sheppard) Retreat –how to improve meetings.

We reviewed Robert’s rules from the state website rules. It was suggested new officers review the rules. Members should remember etiquette when participating in meetings.

Participation –

(Jones) – Rosters are inconsistent; Members will be asked to contact each member

* Council — (Depuy) (4/13) Council Dinner. Please RSVP.

* Community —

(Weber) (5/7) Ronald McDonald House dinner.

(Lasser) 5/18 – Taste of St. Ann’s.

Fourth Degree (Kostyk) — no report

DD Report (Psaik) — No report

Insurance – (Fillipelli)

GK Frank says Sal says ‘hi’.

Unfinished business

Depuy – asked who was going to State Convention. He volunteered.

New business

* S. Gajos – Requested that we put together a CPR training night.

* S. Csoke – Made a motion that the council get communion at the 4pm Mass (before the dinner).

* D. Sheppard – Website not sending emails. Provider has been blacklisted.

Prayers for the sick and distressed

* Coming off the list is BK Eddie Hughes who had a knee replacement on Monday Feb 26, 2024.  He was spotted at St. Ann’s last weekend.

* BK Ed McCarron is coming off the list after a recent cardio surgery.

* Ann Miller had surgery at Duke Medical Center in North Carolina.  The council will be working with St. Ann’s ministries to provide food for the family.

* BK Frank Long’s wife, Eileen, visited UVa Medical Center in Charlottesville on Monday April 8th.

* Prayers were requested for PGK Dan McCaffrey.

* Remember in our prayers, BK Dave Schweiger’s family.  Dave’s mom recently passed away.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:55pm