VBS Support needed

After our Officer’s meeting on Monday, I sent Sarah Uy an email asking what assistance she would need for VBS.  I let her know we would provide pizza and sno cones the last night, June 13.   Sarah’s response is below.  We can discuss at the our business meeting in May the next steps.  What we need…

  1.  A brother to create a sign-up for each day of June 4th-8th.  My recommendation is create the sign-up for just the day and not specific times, allowing the brothers and family members to arrive when they want between 11:00 am and 5:00 pm.
  2. A brother to coordinate with Sarah on the number of attendees for the final night, place the pizza order, pay for the pizza and submit receipts for reimbursements.  Gregg, do we have enough syrup and cups for the sno cones or does more need to be purchase?
Hi Kennedy,
Thank you so much for reaching out!  I am thrilled to have the Knights help out with VBS again this year.  I don’t know how I would have been able to get it all done without you last year.  Thank you!!!
We will decorate for VBS Tuesday, June 4th – Saturday, June 8th.   I will here each day between 11:00am – 5:00pm (unless, you have volunteers who would like to come after work.  I’d be happy to stay later and work with anyone who would like to come after 5:00pm).
Thank you too for offering to provide the pizza and snow cones for the last night (Thursday, June 13th).  That’s always the kids’ favorite night!  You all are an absolute blessing to our ministry!
Please feel free to contact me with any questions!
Sarah Uy

Children’s Christian Formation Coordinator