Please respond regarding Charitable Donations



As we discussed at our last meeting at St. Mary’s we are looking for approval to spend our $2,000 in unbudgeted Charities.

At this point, the Brothers of St, Mary’s have requested that $1,000 be given to St. Mary’s to support much needed building repairs at the Church. Please let us know if you support this.

The brothers of St, Ann’s has requested that we split $1,000 among several Charities at the Church or Richmond Charities such as:

  1. St. Ann’s Charity to assist non-parishioners in need of assistance.
  2. St. Ann’s Haiti Ministry
  3. Rise Against Hunger
  4. St. Ann’s Vacation Bible School
  5. Habitat for Humanity
  6. Moments of Hope

Please let me know your choice of charities and a recommended amount.

Vivat Jesus,


5 thoughts on “Please respond regarding Charitable Donations

  1. KevinJones

    I concur with the monies for St Mary’s and the top four charities listed for St Ann’s (divided equally among the 4).
    Kevin Jones

  2. CharlesDelVecchio

    $1K St. Marys

    $250 each
    St. Ann’s Charity fund
    Haiti School fund
    Rise Against Hunger
    Habitat for Humanity

  3. JohnWilliams

    $1,000 St. Mary’s

    $250 each
    St. Ann’s Charity fund
    Haiti School fund
    Rise Against Hunger
    Habitat for Humanity

  4. SteveCsoke

    $1,000.00 to St. Mary’s
    $250.00 each
    St. Ann’s charity fund
    Haiti fund
    Rise Against Hunger
    Habitat for Humanity