Proposed slate of officers 2024/25

The nominating committee proposed the following slate of officers for the Fraternal year beginning July 1, 2024:

GK — Dave D.
DGK — Kennedy W.
Treasurer — Steve C.
Warden — John W.
Recorder — Jim H.
Advocate — Don S.
Chancellor — Tom L.
Inside G. — Jim K.
Outside G. — Kevin J.

Trustee for 1 year — Don M.
Trustee for 2 years — Steve M.
Trustee for 3 years — Dave F.

Chaplain — Fr. Muddu (appointed)
FinSec — Gregg P. (appointed)

Delegates for the State Convention:
GK — Dave D.
Alternate GK — open
PGK — Dave F.
Alternate PGK — open