Cathedral of the Sacred Heart Assembly #3677 (4th degree) – May 20, 2024 Meeting notes

  • Assembly 3677 welcomes our newest Sir Knight, 7538’s own Jim Schmitz
  • Myron, Jim Schmitz, and Dave Macera attended tonight’s (5/20/24) meeting
  • Cathedral picnic scheduled for June 9, 2024
  • 4th Degree June 2024 Service Project (open to all)
    • The Assembly will be collecting gently used men and women’s summer clothing to restock the St. Peter’s Clothes Closet. St. Peter’s needs summer clothing (including new underwear and socks) as the hot and humid summer months are fast approaching RVA.  Donations will be collected at the next Assembly meeting scheduled for June 17th (one week after our Council meeting).
    • If you are interested in donating for this homeless project, please reach out to either Myron, Jim Schmitz, or Dave Macera. We can collect the clothing from participants at the next Council meeting on June 10th and deliver it to the Assembly on June 17th.
  • Military Appreciation Night at the Diamond – more info to come
    • Saturday, July 27th at the Diamond. A sign-up sheet will be sent out to 4th degree Knights interested.  Muster time is 4:30 – 5:00 pm along the first base entrance.
    • Attire: Black pants and white polo shirt
    • Free tickets to 4th degree Knights participating
  • Next meeting, Monday June 17, 2024 at the Cathedral. Dinner at 6:15 pm.  Car pool from Myron’s at 5:30 pm.