Strawberry Fair

Worthy Knights,

I think we have enough people to cover all shifts this weekend. For the first shift Friday morning from 9am -11am we will meet at the Supply room building just North of town on the left end of the building just like last year. I have six men on the list so far; Jimmy, Chuck, Mario, Tom, Jake and Gregg. You can bring your trucks just in case we need them. We will have the ARC truck to fill up first and it might hold 3/4s of the items in the store room. I will see you all in the morning.

The Saturday shifts are as follows; 9-1pm we have Jimmy, Brian Kasch, Myron, Wayne and Gregg.  Do your best to find parking outside the Fair perimeter. This first shift won’t be bad for parking but 2nd and 3rd shift get crowded as the day goes on. If you get hungry you are welcome to get something to eat at the food court at any time you need a break. Try to wear your Knights of Columbus shirts and hats if you have them so people see who we are.

The 2nd shift 1pm-5pm we have Don Sheppard, Ed McCarron, Steve Gajdos, Wayne and Gregg. Wear clothing to stay cool and maybe a hat and sunglasses if you need to. I will have a cooler of drinks at the corner of Henry and Caroline where the food court is setup. We also have our new trash bags there and Wayne will usually park there in the shade until we call him for a pickup. There is only one large dumpster placed just past the food court for all our trash. Here is Waynes phone number(804)310-3122, so you can call for full trash bag pickup.

The 3rd shift 5pm-7:30 we have Tom, Mike, Steve Mohring, Joe, Phillip, maybe Jim Hartigan and Gregg. This is closing time. We will collect all the items we brought to the Fair grounds, load in trucks and haul it back to the store room on route one. Hopefully we can get it all in the ARC truck and 2 other pickup trucks. That is all we have at closing. After we are done we get paid 1,700.00 dollars for all our hard work. Thank you all for your good help we really appreciate all that you do.

Gregg Palmer
