 For your informational awareness.   Unfortunately, I’ll be at a wedding.  I had a good time last year serving drinks and meeting new people. The night seemed to go by quick.
 David Frank
Worthy Grand Knights,
The pre-org meeting will be held at St Michael church, home of council 11172. Since this is a district event I am sending this email to you to ask for your help. The link below will take you to a SignUp Genius for this event. As of now we still need a few bodies on Friday night and a few more on Saturday morning. Please consider helping for a shift and passing it on to your councils.  Any and all help will be appreciated. Note that Michael and I will be there.
Tom Psuik DD10
Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
——– Original message ——–
From: Knights of Columbus Email <>
Date: 6/12/24 10:50 AM (GMT-05:00)
Subject: Help needed this weekend!


Your help is needed this weekend with the state pre-organizational meeting. Please use the sign-up genius below to let us know if you can help:

Michael Mickle