Insurance and Installation of Officers


As some of you know, Sal Filipelli is no longer  our insurance contact. The Abbate Agency for whom he works is no longer an appointed agent of the Knights of Columbus. They are currently working to replace them and we will have a new contact/field agent in the near future.

For now, if you have need to contact an agent or need insurances services, please email Matt Zahl at . Once I get more information, i will pass it along.

Installation of Officers will take place at our next business meeting, Monday August 12th in Ladysmith. Installation will begin at 6 pm. We will then have dinner with the meeting to follow. Attire will be business casual (Council shirts and slacks.) Wives are invited to join us for installation and dinner. I do not see anyone signed up to provide the meal for that meeting. I need a volunteer or volunteers to help provide dinner. Please check the sign up sheet and/or email/call/text me. 804-920-2530. I am hopeful all officers will be in attendance. I don’t recall who our current Warden is, however, we should bring the banner and the jewels (in the closet at St. Anns) to the meeting. I can get them if necessary. Just let me know.

Hope to see many of you at the picnic this Saturday. If you haven’t already signed up, please do so or respond to this notice to indicate your intent on coming.

Thanks. God bless.

Dave D.  GK

2 thoughts on “Insurance and Installation of Officers

  1. JohnWilliams

    GK Dave-

    I will get everything we need when I am at the officers meeting on Monday.

    John Williams(aka warden, lol)