MEAL tonight at our Council 7538 Officer’s Meeting, 6:30 pm, July 22, 2024, St Ann’s

UPDATE:  Meal will be provided at tonight’s meeting.  Dinner will be ready after 6 pm for any early attendees.  



We will meet tomorrow night at 6:30 pm for the August Officer’s Meeting at St Ann’s.  All brothers are welcome, you don’t need to be an officer to attend.

I have not been informed if we have a meal planned, if not, we should finish the meeting by 7:00 pm.

Agenda items (please feel free to add any items that are important to you)

  1. 2023 Golf tournament golf sponsors thank you letter.
  2. August council business meeting at St Mary’s, installation of officers, last I heard, no volunteer’s to prepare the meal.
  3. St Ann’s Miracle Fund Yard Sale, August 23-24.
  4. RMHC-RVA dinner prep, Wednesday, September 4.
  5. St Ann’s parish picnic KofC support, October 13.
  6. 2024 Golf tournament update.
  7. Abbate Agency update?

Vivat Jesus,