Job Well Done

Worthy Knights,

On Sunday, our Council hosted the Ron Wisniewski Memorial Dance for people with special needs along with the ARC of Hanover.  The dance was a huge success.  Thank you Mario for organizing the dance.  Fellow Knights helping out include: Tom Lasser, Gregg Palmer, Dan McCaffrey, Steve Mohring, Chuck DelVecchio, Jim Hartigan, and Worthy Grand Knight Dave DePuy.  Plus five spouses.  The Knights helped decorate the parish hall, served pizza and cleaned up after the dance in record time.  A job well done.  Thanks to all who helped. (Forgive me if I missed someone).

Next Up:  Road Clean Up on 12 October.  Snow Cones at the Parish Picnic on 13 October.  Italian Dinner on 19 October.  Habitat for Humanity on 26 October.  Sign Up sheets are on the website.  Or text Kevin Jones at (804) 307-5741.  Email = .

See at the Rosary on Wednesday at 7:00 or the Executive Meeting on Monday.

Well Attended

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