Coats For Kids and more. – Copy

Worthy Knights,

There are a few things going on this Fall I need to let you know about if you missed the last few meetings. The Coats for Kids charity is gearing up. I have purchased the first order of coats(4 cases) that our council has the money($1000.00) in the budget ready to use. I will make a second order for any Knights that wish to donate to this charity by full case, half case or any amount is fine. I think the deadline to get your donation into me needs to be October 31st. The warehouse seems to run out of stock in November and December. Child and youth coats cost $247.00 per case of 12. Teen coats cost $305.24 per case of 12. You can round up a few dollars to cover shipping. Please pay by check, cash or VENMO( JMJ-Council-7538) Pin#5736.

We plan to have a degree ceremony for our newest members (William Gaspar: Brian Crothers) at the next council meeting at St. Mary’s. If you are on the degree team please review your part so we don’t stumble to much and wear a coat and tie if you can.

Our spaghetti dinner is scheduled next month on October 19th. We will be selling tickets for the dinner at Mass on October 5th and 12th. Try to purchase your ticket or sell a few if you can so we know how many people to prep for. Its a great dinner for a good price. We will do better this time on to-go dinners. It was slow going last year backing up the line for everyone. Ticket price is $15.00 for adults this year, it went up a bit this year but still worth it.

Tell your friends and family golfers about our Long John Golf Tournament on December 14th. I have registration forms now and I will start handing these out to all the Knights so you can talk it up. If you are playing in a golf tournament between now and December 14th please take some flyers with you and pass them out to the players to advertise our council tournament.

We finally have our bank accounts secured and back to normal. We had some criminals passing fake checks on our Knights account at Atlantic Union Bank. They got away with some money but the bank caught all bad transactions after that. Mario and Steve Coker worked with the police and bank to get us a new account opened and ordered high security checks. We are safe for now. It is happening a lot to other people so protect yourself and shred everything.


Cowabunga!!! Time marches on. So have fun and enjoy everything we do as Knights. When we do good things people notice. Thank you to all our Knights for all that you do for our council. Blessings to you all.

FS Gregg Palmer

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