Knights Woodworking Sales at Ashland Christmas Market

Worthy Knights,

We are looking for 8 Knights to assist with selling our award winning (State Fair Blue Ribbon!!!) woodworking items at the Ashland Christmas Market on Saturday the 7th of December.  We have two shifts of 4 Knights.  Shift 1 will start at 10:30 and help set up the canopy and assist with selling our woodworking items.  Shift 2 will start at 1:00 and assist with selling woodworking items  and help pack up around 4:30.  Location is TBD.  Contact Tom Lasser at (804) 205-8522 if you cannot find us.  A sign up sheet is posted on the website.  If you cannot sign up on the website, please text Kevin Jones at (804) 307-5741 and I can sign you up.  Thank you Knights for supporting our fundraising activities.  P.S.  bring your folding chair.