Volunteer Opportunities!

Worthy Knights,

Gosh it is May and I can’t slow down this train we are on rolling through life. We have quite a few projects for our council this month and beginning of June. I am pleading for some help from the council to come out and join us on some of these projects we have scheduled .

First is to finish the slate of officers. We need people to take  part in the different offices for the council. Please take a spot or sign up to chair one of our projects during the year. We need men to take a part in the council to keep someone from burning out. I have heard we have a Grand Knight but its not confirmed just yet. We have to have this new slate of officers ready for review and a vote by Monday May 13th. Please let the committee members( Gregg, Jim H.,Don S.) working on the slate know if you can take a small part.

KOVAR is next week, May 10th and 11th at Greentop sporting goods. The sign up sheet is on our website and only 4 people have volunteered so far. Please help us man the two doors for a 2 hour shift. The last few years we had very low attendance. Dave Frank/Gregg Palmer is chairperson and contact for this event.

Taste of Saint Anns is on May 18th after Mass. We will need help with setup and breakdown of tables and chairs before and after the dinner. Hopefully the cooking and serving will be done by parishioners that volunteer to cook their favorite international foods. Tom is chair person and contact for this event.

Strawberry Fair is happening on May 31st and June 1st. This is a big event with 4 different shifts to fill. We will earn $1700.00 for moving supplies on Friday. We will keep trashcans and walking areas clean all day Saturday then take supplies back to warehouse Saturday night. The signup will be on our website in a few days. Gregg Palmer is the chairperson for this event if you have questions.

Vacation Bible School is scheduled for June 9th through the 13th. We are serving pizza and snow cones on Thursday June 13th and possibly helping Sarah Uy build decorations a few days before VBS begins. Kennedy Weber is chairperson and contact for this event.

We have a big month ahead. We have to squeeze in several meetings and smaller projects we are working on like the Meal Ministry at St. Anns, Ronald McDonald House , Rosary, Scholarship judging and whatever pops up unexpectedly. But these are taken care of by the core members of the council. If you can help us with these big events I listed we will be okay. Thank you all for help. Lets have some fun at these events so they don’t seem like work!

FS Gregg Palmer

2 thoughts on “Volunteer Opportunities!

    1. MarioDallaValle

      We stand in front of the ABC store in Ashland and collect donations. All proceeds are then sent to KOVAR. KOVAR is the KNight’s organization that provides funds and support to individuals with INtellectual DIsabilities.