Business Meeting May 13, 6:00 St Ann’s

Brother Knight’s,

Our Business Meeting is this Monday at St Ann’s.

-6:00 Dinner

-6:30 Rosary

-7:00 Meeting

We have a lot going on and your help is needed.  Please look on the website for opportunities and if you need any help or have any questions don’t hesitate to ask.  I know some people have had issues with sign ups so let me know and I will help you get signed up.

We need to vote on the slate of officers.

Discuss the proposed 2024- 2025 budget.

Our DD, Tom Psuak, Report.

Upcoming event’s:

-Taste of St Ann’s next weekend, May 18 after the Saturday mass

-Strawberry Fair May 31 & June 1, and

-VBS St Ann’s June 9- 13

To everyone who helped with the KOVAR fundraiser this weekend, Thank you!

Please Keep our Priest’s and Deacon’s in your prayer’s, along with our Brother Knight’s and their families Dcn Frank’s wife Nina Leaming, Sal’s sister in-law, Frank Long’s Wife Eileen, and many other’s dear to our heart’s.


David Frank, GK