Council Meeting Notes — 20240514

KofC Council meeting – 5/13/24

6:00pm Dinner was served

6:35 Rosary was said

6:55 meeting started

GK report

GK Dave was thankful for all the work that is done by the membership. He mentioned upcoming events and there was a discussion about the CPR training to be held at St. Mary’s in September.

We will be receiving the Star Council award at the State meeting for this past fraternal year. He also reported Eva Ortis thanked us for our donation for the Caroline / Spotsylvania pregnancy center.

FS report

* Connor’s heroes – (in honor of Aubry Brown – Greg Bentley’s niece) We received a thank you note for our donation.

* We donated $1k to St. Ann’s for Parish support – Haiti, Rise against Hunger, Charity outreach, VBS

* We donated $1k to St. Mary’s for the building fund.

* Donation to Ronald McDonald House

* Reimbursements for dinners and meal preparations.

* Donation to KOVAR $1k (4/11/24)

* Convention checks were written (VKCCI, Fr. Bader, etc.).

Treasurer’s report

$15,927 in operating account.

Money market

<$200 Petty cash

$7,177 Scholarship account

$4,185 Woodworking sales this past year.

$739 in KOVAR in the bank

$1,585 to be sent to Kovar.

$1,702 has already been donated to Kovar.

$500 Hanover ARC coupons to be donated through Capital Catholic Charities.


Membership – FS Gregg would like to add nine members to the affiliate member program: Kevin Barra, Trace (transferred to St. Mary’s in Fredericksburg), Drew, Matthew, Bob LaCourse, … GK Dave suggested the following additions: Daniel Nelson, Neil Nelson, John Poynter (Kansas City), Greg Sovich, and Andrew Verosko.

BK Steve G. reported Ralph Watermeier is doing well – he attend meetings, but will help at functions.

Sal Filipelli offered to research “lost” members.

Faith –

St. Mary’s – no report

St. Ann’s – Men’s group meeting Thursday. Rosary Wednesday 7pm.

Family – no report

Life – no report

Community – A Habitat for Humanity event will be held on 6/15.

Jim Schmitz – International dinner at St. Mary’s – no new members. 100 attendees.

Kovar – 15 out of 16 slots signed up on the website. Members were urged to use the website sign-up functionality for upcoming events: Taste of St. Ann’s (16 slots), Strawberry Faire.

Fundraising – no report

4th deg – BK Myron reported the Cathedral organ is going in this weekend and will be tuned throughout the summer.

Program Director Kevin reviewed upcoming calendar events.

Golf – no report

Next executive meeting scheduled for 5/27 will be moved due to the Memorial Day holiday.

DD report – Reports need to be completed before the State meeting.

Bob Jones will be the new State Deputy. Tony Miller (St. Michael’s) will be the new District Deputy.

Insurance report – Sal endorsed the October 7th Golf tournament – $350 / person. Very high end event.

He asked that the council to support a hole. It will be held at the Federal Club. Raise $50k goal. Website is active. The agency is looking for more agents – especially those with bilingual skills.

Unfinished business –

Gregg requested help with the Strawberry Faire (May 31/June 1st). We’ll borrow the Hanover ARC van for setup on Friday. Pickups will be needed on Saturday to return things to the warehouse. We will be paid $1700 for our work.

The slate of officers was presented and then tabled.  It was published on the website.

GK — Dave D.
DGK — Kennedy W.
Treasurer — Steve C.
Warden — John W.
Recorder — Jim H.
Advocate — Don S.
Chancellor — Tom L.
Inside G. — Jim K.
Outside G. — Kevin J.

Trustee for 1 year — Don M.
Trustee for 2 years — Steve M.
Trustee for 3 years — Dave F.

Chaplain — Fr. Muddu (appointed)
FinSec — Gregg P. (appointed)

Delegates for the State Convention:
GK — Dave D.
Alternate GK — open
PGK — Dave F.
Alternate PGK — open

There was a discussion as to who should have signature privileges on the Atlantic Bank checking account. Names discussed included proposed incoming GK Dave D, proposed Treasurer Steve C., Mario D. and Tom L. Ron W and GK Dave F. will be removed from the account.

Budget – Mario reviewed the budget that was posted on the website.

Charities for Shrove Tuesday and Council Dinner were selected (St. Mary’s food pantry and St. Ann’s charity account).

Mike F. asked about the breakdown of the charitable donations.

The budget was tabled until the June council meeting.

GK Dave reported Norma Wisniewski contacted him to let him know she had some clothing items to be picked up.


Family of the month – PGK Harold McNamara.

KoM – John Williams

Tom L. to check on the Train Day checks.

Sick list

Dec. Frank Leaming’s wife Lina

Ed Fillipelli, brother of Sal

Sal’s SIL Diane Geyser who is recovering from a brain tumor and brain bleed and has stage 4 cancer in her lungs.

Myron mentioned Vicky Labarr who is battling stage 4 lung cancer.

Steve Turner (pnumonia) and Debbie Turner

Jack Frank (torn ACL)

BK Eileen Long, Frank’s wife who is waiting on an organ replacement list.

50-50 raffle – Tom Lasser won $35. $33 will go to the council funds.

8:25pm meeting concluded.