Habitat for Humanity – Need 1 volunteer for each Sunday Mass to man the posterboard (June 9, 2024)

HFH Posterboard (color)


Ask: We need one Knight to man the Habitat for Humanity information posterboard after each of the Masses on Sunday, June 9th (8:30am and 10:00 am Masses).  I will also have the sign-up sheet (for manning poster board on June 8-9) under Volunteer Opportunities on our Council website.


The Habitat for Humanity Project for St. Ann parishioners has been scheduled for June 15, 2024.

A poster board was placed in the Commons this past weekend (June 1 – 2) with information and a brochure for those parishioners who are interested in participating in the project.  We had several people take a brochure.  Hopefully this will lead to sign-ups.

Jimmy and I will both be out of town this Sunday, June 9.  We need one Knight to cover for after each Mass (8:30am and 10:00 am).  I can cover the 5:00 pm Saturday Mass on June 8th.

As of today, there are 7 remaining slots (out of 10).  First preference is to non-Knight parishioners of St. Ann’s.  Any remaining slots after June 9 are available for our council Knights.

The following Knights will be manning the board after the following masses:

June 8 (Saturday)

5:00 pm – Dave Macera

June 9 (Sunday)

8:30 am – [open]

10:00 am – [open]

Thanks & regards,

Dave Macera and Jimmy Kastelberg



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