Help Serve at Vacation Bible School

Worthy Knights,

Tonight is the chance for Knights to shine by serving pizza and snow cones for the children attending Vacation Bible School.  As of this morning we have 4 of 6 slots filled on the sign up sheet in the web site.  More are always welcome.  Seeing the smiles on the little children will make your day.  This year’s theme is SCUBA: Underwater Paradise.  The Parish Hall has fantastic decorations.  A mask and snorkel would be proper attire.  So would a Hawaiian shirt or other “beach” theme attire.  Spouses and teen are welcome to help.

If you are not able to use the Council’s website, please feel free to email me at or text me at (804) 307-5741.

Thank you Brother Knight

Kevin Jones


One thought on “Help Serve at Vacation Bible School

  1. KevinJones Post author

    A Quick follow-up. Knights, please arrive at 4:00 p.m. and we should be cleaned up and done by 7:00 p.m. Maybe a “social” activity after?