Opportunity to Excell in 2024 – 2025

Worthy Knights,

Please review the following information regarding filling positions in the Council.  We would like to place a name next to each position.  Duties will include preparing a one page fact sheet on what duties and responsibilities apply to each position.  Be prepared to brief your fact sheet on or after the May 2025 Business Meeting.  Also recruit a deputy to assist you in case of your absence and recruit a replacement by June 2025 if you no longer chose to fill the position.  We will go over this list and assign primary persons to fill the following positions at the Business Meeting on this coming Monday, 24 June 2024 at St Ann’s Church.

Program Director

Faith Director

Family Director

Community Director

Life Director

Membership Director

Recruitment Committee (x3)

Retention Director

Insurance Promotion

Vocations Chairman

Health Services

Public Relations

Please give this request some prayerful consideration.  Feel free to join us in prayer tonight as we say the Rosary at St Ann’s Church beginning at 1900.  Thank you for your support.


Kevin Jones