Officer’s meeting follow-up July 22, 2024

Thank you Dave and John for preparing our meal tonight!

A couple of follow-up points from our meeting tonight:

  1.  Brothers help is needed for the St Ann’s Miracle Fund Yard sale starting after 5:00 pm Mass on August 1oth.  POC is Tom Lassar, 804-205-8522.  The yard sale is 23-24 Aug.  Help will be needed everyday from the 10th – 23rd.
  2. Meal for our business meeting at St Mary’s on Aug 12th is covered.
  3. There are two available volunteer opportunities remaining for RMHC-RVA dinner prep on Wed, Sep 4
  4. For our GK, the “audit” will be completed with the treasure and trustees after the next business meeting in Aug at St Mary’s.

Vivat Jesus,

DGK Kennedy