Four for Friday

Brother Knights,

A few points of interest as you head into the weekend.

0. This would have been even better if I’d sent this this morning.   I was wondering why no one was at Origins.  Conclave is on tomorrow and Sunday, but I’ll be watching football.

1. I just received a call from BK Leviee Edmonds. He wouldn’t mind hosting one or more of us for a visit. His phone number is 540-618-4708. He’s eager to know what time the Redsk … Commanders are playing the Lions this weekend.

2. Speaking of football. There’s a council grid available at Its $5 per square; prizes are $50 per winning square. Be the first to sign up. Rules and results of past years winners are on the site.

3. Maybe you’re more of a theatre buff and not one to watch a bunch of guys in tights prance around on a grass (or astroturf) field. The Ashland Theatre will be showing Conclave tonight at 7pm ( I believe I’ll be pre-gaming at Origins at 6pm.

4. And finally, the Scouts are collecting for ACES. Here’s an excerpt from a recently received email, “Pack 718 is organizing a donation drive for Ashland Christian Emergency Services (ACES) for a service project. Donations will be brought to the January 27th meeting at St. Ann’s” If you’re in the neighborhood and have peanut butter, canned vegetables or fruits, tuna, soups or other non-perishable foods, consider stopping by and assisting these two great, local organizations.

Happy weekend.

Jim H.