**UPDATED**Business Meeting Monday June 9 St Mary’s

Election of Officer 2024- 2025


Our last Business Meeting of the fraternal year will be this Monday at St Mary’s. We will be voting on the election of Officer’s, and the budget for the 2024-2025 year.  We will also be discussing VBS details for St. Ann’s as that occurs this week.  Don’t forget the 50/50 raffle and if you would like to support the St. Mary’s food pantry this month’s items are Mac and Cheese and Instant Potatoes.

Upcoming events:

Vacation Bible School – St Ann’s (Pizza and Sno Cones), 5:00 p.m., Begins today 6-9-2024; our activity occurs later in the week.

July:  RMHC-RVA dinner prep 7-2-2024, 4:00 p.m.; RSVP – Seminarian support request to Diocesan Office of Vocations.

July:  Council Picnic (Pool Party) at the Lasser’s July 20

August:    Miracle Fund yard sale St Ann’s.

September:  Coats for Kids begins

Tom Psuak, District Deputy will be attending to give his end of fraternal year report.

Schedule as follows:

Dinner is at 6

Rosary at 6:30

Meeting at 7:00

I hope you can make my last meeting as Grand Knight.

Fraternally yours,

David Frank, GK