KofC Council 7538 November 13th Business Meeting – St Ann’s Parish Hall

KofC 2023-2024 Calendar – 11-13-2023

Council 7538 Business Meeting Agenda 11-13-2023

Updated Business Mtg Agenda for tonight and updated calendar of upcoming activities.



Our next Council Business Meeting is on November 13 at 7:00 p.m.  My understanding is dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m.

We need recommendations for Family of the Month and Knight of the Month.

If I may, for Knight of the Month, I recommend the brothers from St Mary’s in leading the Brunswick Stew preparation, especially GK David Frank who took the lead.  I may have missed this if we already voted for this family.  My recommendation would be for the Overstreet Family of St Ann’s, led by Kelly, who was the chair for the St Ann’s Parish picnic.  Again just my thoughts, just trying to get ideas flowing.

For our monthly food drive, A.C.E.S. needs are peanut butter, canned fruit, tuna, and cans of soup.

God bless!


DGK Kennedy

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